Although I don't want to use this blog as a personal diary, I found I had to share this particular event with the outside world nonetheless. As mentioned in my personal profile, I am quite a bit of a business magazine addict. Ever since graduation from London Business School in July 1998, I subscribe to both BusinessWeek and The Economist. "So what", you might say, "big deal!". It is not so much, however, that I subscribe to these magazines, but that I held on to every single issue since August 1998!! In these thousands of pages, you could read all about the internet hype, the Millenium, the bursting of the internet bubble, 9/11, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, Enron, the bombings in London, the rise of India and China and much, much more.
But now I have decided to throw them out. But before I did so, I took a few photos, which you find below. How's that for autumn cleaning?!