Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year's Resolution

January 2, 2005. Time to live up to one of my New Year resolutions and start a blog. As suggested by its title, I plan to use this blog to share with the RoW my musings on all things business that I happen to come across in my daily work as a management consultant with Quintel Management Consulting ( in the Netherlands. Add to that the fact that I am a bit of a business junkie in the sense that I am an ardent reader of business books, magazines (BusinessWeek, Economist, Harvard Business Review, etc.) and e-letters (i.e. Harvard's Working Knowledge and Knowledge@Wharton) and you'll probably begin to understand the scope of my blog. I will use this blog to structure my own thoughts, share ideas and reflect on them, call your attention to interesting articles, books or developments. I am particularly curious to get your comments and feedback on these 'musings'.

I won't use my blog as a diary and won't comment directly on any assignments at hand. Nor will I disclose any client names or data. Furthermore, any views put forward in this blog are my own and are not necessarily shared by my colleagues at Quintel.

Finally, a bit more on myself. I hold an MSc in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology, where I graduated on the design of dedicated architectures. Upon graduation I joined Arthur D. Little, where I worked as a Business Analyst in the Telecommunications, IT, Media and Entertainment (TIME) Practice for 3 years. I left in 1996 to read for an MBA at London Business School, spending one term at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S.A. I returned to Arthur D. Little in 1998, where I was involved in the creation of its European E-Business Centre. When Arthur D. Little filed for Chapter 11 in early 2002, I decided to take a break before moving into a new job. After having worked as a free agent for nearly 2 years, I joined Quintel Management Consulting in November 2003. Quintel is an Arthur D. Little spin-off, started by fifteen colleagues in January 2002. As Quintel's first Principal I am currently preparing a book on strategy implementation and business architecture, due out in 2005. Apart from strategy implementation and business architectures, I am particularly interested in technology and innovation, game theory, systems thinking and strategy dynamics. Hence, it is about these kind of subjects that you will come to read in this blog.

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